Junior Infants

Junior Infants have had a super first term! They have settled in really well to the school routine and have made great friends. Having learned all their sounds, they are now learning how to blend and read lots of words! The Juniors love their shared reading homework each night! They are also learning how to write their letters and numbers. We are looking forward to station teaching this term in reading and writing with Mrs. Wixted.

The Junior Infants performed in their first Christmas show in December and did themselves and their families so proud! (see photo gallery)They thoroughly enjoyed the golf lessons as part of our PE curriculum and are very engaged with our Green Schools work on the Marine Environment. We have learned all about marine litter, microbeads and taking care of our environment. We created a display as part of our work (see below) and really hope we can help our school to get its’ eight green flag!

We are really enjoying visiting our new school library each week and scanning out our own books. We also had a great time at Ms. Mullane’s pancake morning and look forward to the Book Fair visiting our school this term. Keep visiting our site for more updates!

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