Fourth Class Christmas Update

Nollaig Shona daoibh go léir! What a busy term this has been!

In English, we have been working on our Persuasive Writing. We took part in our very own Junior Dragon’s Den. The children used old cereal boxes as inspiration to come up with their very own cereal. They had to think of a brand name, flavour, price and about the nutritional value of their product. They then wrote out their persuasive texts in their copies and read them aloud to the class, aiming to convince their teacher and peers to buy their cereal. The children also had the challenging job of inventing a new toy this term. They typed up their own persuasive writing pieces on the school laptops, describing what their toy looks like, how it works, what age it is suited for and whether it is battery operated or electronic. They then showed their hand drawn pictures of their toy to the class using our classroom visualiser and read their typed texts aloud to their peers. It was very interesting to see their imaginations flow!

We explored shape poetry this term and we thought it would be very apt to write all about snowmen, based on the weather we have been experiencing. 4th class brainstormed lots of words and phrases associated with snowmen. We then used alliteration and similes to piece together a shape poem about a snowman. Have a read of our class poem below!

In Maths, we came up with our very own Christmas Dinner shopping list. We researched the prices of all our favourite Christmas foods on Tesco online. The aim was to compile the most delicious three course meal, while staying within budget! The boys and girls have finished learning and revising all their multiplication tables from 0 up to x12. All the hard work paid off and we did brilliantly in our tables test. Ms. Mc Mahon is very proud of us!

In Gaeilge, we learned a new poem ‘An Fear Sneachta’ off by heart and had fun reciting it together as a class. We have been busy exploring the themes of ‘Bia’ and ‘An Nollaig’ this term, listening to the excellent stories in Bua na Cainte and playing the interactive whiteboard games. The children have worked very hard on their briathra neamhrialta since September. We are almost finished learning all 11 verbs in the three tenses. Maith Thú!

In Science this term, we engaged in some very cool experiments such as erupting volcanoes, skittle rainbows, raincloud in a jar and lava lamps. The boys and girls worked in pairs to present their experiments to the class. It was messy but we learned a lot about chemical reactions. We also explored magnetism this month. We played with magnets, investigating North and South poles and what attracts and repels magnets. We even attached magnets to toy cars and raced them in the classroom.

In art, we designed our very own Class Advent Calendar. Check it out below! We were rewarded with lots of nice treats and took part in fun, festive activities throughout the month of December such as sit with a friend for the day, make your own kahoot quiz, Christmas charades, tea and toast morning, hot chocolate and listen to spotify songs during lunch. It was super exciting to open a new advent window each day.

We love Art in 4th Class. We drew Christmas owls as part of a directed drawing lesson and displayed them on the classroom windows. The Amber Flag committee organised to send Christmas Cards to Croagh nursing home this year. The children in 4th used old, recycled Christmas cards to redesign their own cards using a picture extension technique. The cards turned out very beautiful indeed and the pupils were chuffed to send them off!

4th class pupils worked very hard practicing their song singing for the annual School Christmas Concert. They performed a selection of Peace Proms and Christmas Carols for the matinée and evening show. It was a huge success and they all sounded amazing! Well done everyone!

We were delighted to be invited to the Salesians Panto ‘Mamma Mia’ and we had a great time in L.I.T. We are also very excited to go and see ‘Peter Pan’ in U.L. before our Christmas holidays. It will be another great day out!

We would like to give a special word of thanks to our wonderful SNA Marian who is in our classroom each morning and afternoon. She is super helpful and so kind to us and we are lucky to have her. Also, we are delighted to have Ms. Ruddle every Tuesday for Literacy Stations and we would like to thank her for all the work that she does supporting us with our learning in literacy this term.

Have a wonderful, safe Christmas and we look forward towel coming all of the children back to school in the New Year!

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