Fourth & Fifth Class Mid Term Update

Oíche Shamhna shona daoibh! It has been a very productive, yet enjoyable term for 4th and 5th class so far. We have been working hard each day since starting back in August.

Completing ten minute focus tasks each morning such as riddles, wordsearches, crosswords and mental maths games have been very enjoyable and get us warmed up and ready to learn. We will be doing lots more after the break.

In literacy, we have studied a few poems and even wrote our own. We had to come up with a list of ‘Useless Things’ in our pods and compiled a poem together which we are very proud of. Prediction and visualisation have been two comprehension strategies we have been practicing. Reading the book ‘Dandelions’ and ‘Train to Somewhere’ helped us to learn how to use these strategies when reading!

In Geography, our class learned all about Ireland, the provinces, counties, lakes, mountains and rivers. We also researched the country Japan. It was fun to design and make Japanese lanterns afterwards!

4th and 5th have learned how to play the game of Chess in pairs which helps us with our maths language – horizontal,vertical, diagonal lines. We are preparing for our own in-class chess tournament after the Halloween break. It gets super competitive!

In Science, we carried out a yucky experiment to learn all about digestion in the human body. In groups, we worked together to draw and label the various organs!

Take a look at the pictures below of some of the beautiful art-work we have completed so far- We experimented with warm and cool tones to make pastel pumpkins. Check out our spooky Halloween silhouettes too. Teacher was blown away by the artistic ability of the kids taking part in the Credit Union Art competition entitled ‘Imagine’. ‘A Dot Can Be..’ was also an interesting art task we completed. We turned a simple black dot into very imaginative pictures.

We listened to the life of artist Vincent Van Gogh and painted our own versions of ‘Starry Night’. They are proudly on display in our classroom!

5th Class took part in project work this term. 4th Class learned a lot about Germany, North Korea, Australia, Spain and many more countries. 5th class did an amazing job at presenting their work to the class. Well Done 5th! 😊

Have a restful break 4th and 5th and enjoy the ‘bob nó bia’ !

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