Fourth Class October Midterm Update

Oíche Shamhna shona daoibh!

 We have had a productive and enjoyable few months back at school. Rang a Ceathair has been very busy taking part in a variety of fun learning activities so far this year! After reuniting with friends in September, our class delved straight into work.


We started recount writing this term.Children wrote stories about things that have happened in their own lives. We thoroughly enjoyed sharing some funny stories about ‘The Best Holiday Ever’,before writing about it. 4th Class also wrote a diary entry about a day in their life, and we loved having some author’s chair time to listen to their writing. This term we explored the story ‘Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs’,using the comprehension strategy of prediction to figure out what would happen next. We had great fun thinking about what food might fall down from the sky!


We have been learning all about the Aimsir Chaite (past tense) during our ceachtanna Gaeilge. The children are getting really good at remembering their verbs through fun games, such as the ‘verb game’. Our favourite song has been Ar a Slí, which is sung to the air of‘She’ll be coming around the mountain’. The children enjoyed some healthy rivalry between their tables in some singing competitions. We also enjoyed playing games of Deir Ó Grádaigh, or Simon Says to consolidate our learning of Mo Chorp/ My Body.


We have a talented bunch of scientists in Rang a Ceathair. We enjoyed learning about wild animals in Ireland and the various habitats they have. We also carried out an experiment to test which materials would be best to build a boat. We discussed which materials were waterproof and which ones would float in the water. Climate Action Week was really exciting! We had a ‘zero waste’ day on Tuesday where children brought in a lunch that contained no single use plastics or wrappers. We also took part in a‘no power hour’ on Thursday, and listened to a webinar which discussed ways to reduce food waste. The children had fantastic opinions on the reasons for climate change and what we could do to combat it. Well done everyone!


Rang 4 are delighted to have access to laptops this year! The children love exploratory learning- using teamwork, co operative skills and communication to produce amazing projects for a variety of SESE topics. These included Natural Wonders of Ireland, The Titanic, Animals in Ireland and The Celts. The children confidently presented their work to the rest of the class. I am really proud of what they accomplished.

Maths week was full of daily, interesting activities. 4th class had great fun playing games such as 4 in a row using dice to work out the product of numbers. We also carried out a Maths trail around the school grounds, filling out answers to questions based on observations of the school.  We took part in puzzles,riddles, crack the codes and games and at the end of the week there was a whole class maths quiz.


Our class have been practicing their songs for the Peace Proms Concert which will take place in the University Concert Hall next January. We love bopping along to the upbeat kids medley! We have also looked forward to our ‘Music Generation’ lesson each week, where we learned about dynamics, the various genres of Music and used body percussion tore-enact a horse race. We were very fortunate also to take part in some sign language lessons every Wednesday. The tutor was very impressed by the level of ability in the class and the children really enjoyed learning the new skills and showing off what they were able to do!


Check out the photos of all the fabulous art work the children created over the past few months: self-portraits, symmetrical pumpkins and some spooky scenery… The children learned all about warm and cool colour tones and how they can contrast beautifully in artwork. We then put our knowledge to use by painting some autumn leaves. Some of our talented students’work are presented below! We also had great fun at PE this term having access to equipment from Limerick Sports Partnership while we explored the strand of Athletics. We did lots of relay races, javelin throws and hurdle jumps. It was great fun!


Be sure to check back in for more updates from 4th Class!

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